Are you curious about what mobile content offers are? Would you like to find an easy way to profit from those as an affiliate or media buyer? Trafficshop is happy to share some basics about mobile carrier/content offers!
it's important to make clear that different Offer Walls use a variety of names for these kind of offers. Premium SMS, Pin Submits, Mobile Subscription, etc are some of these names.
Let’s use the term “Carrier offer” from now on!
What does the term "Mobile Carrier Offers" stand for?
Mobile Carrier Offers are products/services one can get using mobile phone. The user can pay for subscription and then he receives the product/service on regular basis. Most popular types of those offers are :
Adult Content
Win offers
Anti-virus protection
Astrology (Horoscopes)
Phone boosters
How Does It Work?
Every time a user subscribes to a mobile content offer/carrier billing offer, he will be charged directly on his phone bill or the amount of charge will be deducted from the credits available on his SIM card. No credit card or another type of payment is required to subscribe for content. His mobile operator does that instead of him in automatic mode, which makes the conversion flow process more simple. Let’s see three ways of how user could be subscribed to the mobile content using their carrier:
MO Flow: a text message (SMS) is used to confirm user’s subscription to the offer. It is widely used due to the fact that its very safe.
MT Flow: a secret code (pin code) is sent to the user’s mobile device. This code must be submitted to the offer page in order to confirm their subscription. MT Flow has a better conversion rate and its still very safe.
MSISDN Flow: The simplest one! Is the mapping of the phone number to the SIM card. The main purpose of it is allowing the billing to be done directly, by charging the user through their cellphone balance.
Because of regulations on different markets each carrier/country can allow or restricts advertisers to use some of these flows. No wonder carrier offers tend to have a great performance in specific countries and during specific time.
Types of payouts:
After mentioning types of flows its logical to say what affiliates are getting paid for. One of the most popular payment models is
CPL, it can be a sign up, download/install of, so either CPL (cost per lead) or CPI (cost per install).
CPS (cost per sale), CPA (cost per action) which can also be a sale/trial or first deposit.
Revshare (revenue share), in this case the affiliate gets certain percentage off the sale/deposit/payment of the user thus sharing the profit. You can expect 5%-50% revenue share when using mobile content/carrier billing offers.
Though CPL/CPI sounds easier way of getting conversions from your traffic, in many cases revenue share ends up being more profitable in the long run. Just choose the offer provider wisely and your are good!
How to Promote Adult Mobile Content/carrier billing offers:
First of all, it is better to avoid WIFI Traffic since the carriers play the most important role. Only if the offer provider recommended it, you can target WIFI traffic as well.
Also, we suggest to avoid push traffic for these offers. The reason is that even though you are targeting phones with a certain carrier, when the user is on WIFI the push notification can be clicked.
So, it's important to pay attention to the devices and carriers you are allowed to run for the offer, especially when it is your first carrier offer launch.
In order to understand better the above tip, let's see an example. You choose to start a carrier offer launching in Thailand that accepts traffic from IOS devices for AIS and DTAC carriers. In this case, you need to create two different campaigns for each carrier and block WIFI for IOS devices.
It's important to separate these two carriers from the beginning. The reason is that they may have completely different flows. If AIS tends to do very well and DTAC doesn’t convert at all, DTAC campaign could be stopped and focus will be on the first campaign only.
From the past until today, carrier offers convert via direct links. However, affiliates utilizing a more creative way to increase their conversion rates. The pre-landing pages! These pages that you see on mobile have more or less the same approach that you can find on web offers.
A good landing page = boost your ROI by 50%
A great landing page = boost your ROI by 150%
6 Reasons To Run Carrier Billing Offers
Creativity: You can be as much creative as you wish in terms of banners, pre-landers, etc.
High Payouts:Generally, the payouts for carrier offers are higher than any other offers you would find for that geo. But do not worry! Sometimes you can find out that even the low paying offer can bring you good money if you have good volumes of traffic to send there.
Global Scale: You can find carrier offers in lots of goes. There is a huge range of options!
Too easy conversions: One/two - click flows allow for ideal subscriptions
Unlimited scale:Carrier offers have a variety of options with regard to the budget and volume. The budgets without limits allow for unlimited scale.
Uniqueness/Exclusivity:No competitor is able to cheat you and steal your campaigns. The spy tools cannot pick your placements up when targeting specific carriers!
Make Trafficshop the source for your carrier traffic acquisition, match it with those mobile content/carrier billing offers and enjoy the conversions!
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