
USDT (Tether) added as a payment option
September 09, 2020
Hello Trafficshopers,
We are eager to add as many payout options to TrafficShop ad platform as possible, in order to help our publishers withdraw their earnings easier. Today we are pleased to announce that the USDT (Tether), blockchain-based cryptocurrency is now available to our publishers and advertisers!
If you are already working with TrafficShop, the USDT (Tether) option has been added to your payout methods.
To choose it as your payout method:
- Log in to your Publisher's Account (or register)
- Go to the “Money” page
- Click on “Request payout”
- Choose “USDT” from the dropdown menu
- Add the address (ERC20) linked to your USDT account and hit the “Submit” button.
If you don’t have a USDT wallet, we recommend you to get one on Ethereum’s Original Wallet official website.