Latest news

We are eager to add as many payout options to TrafficShop ad platform as possible, in order to help our publishers withdraw their earnings easier.

We know you have been thinking over and over again how to reach the most valuable audience while running your advertising campaigns. Trust us, you can catch those users you need at the right time and in the right place! How?

Native ads are ramping up their popularity on adult sites thus replacing banners people got blind of already.

How to build a successful landing page?
You are almost ready to start a campaign but you are still worrying about the conversions. Does your landing page meet the specifcaons of a successful page or not? Did you follow the vital guidelines in order to maximize your landing page’s success? Don’t worry, let’s check together some basic but important steps that you should follow before you start the campaign!

Trafficshop is releasing a new format! Native ads are now available for all advertisers and publishers.

Dear Advertisers, we would like to announce introduction of server to server conversion tracking at Traffishop. This new feature is going to make your life easier when it comes to conversion tracking straight inside your user's dashboard.

In this guide, we will teach you exactly what mobile content offers (pin submits) are, how to run them with TrafficShop , and why they’re so awesome.

In 2019 Trafficshop continues improving the product for your best media buying experience.

We would love to meet you at TES 2018 in Prague and talk about your traffic goals and the challenges you face. Our Sales Team, Alisya and John, will be there for you! Visit our booth on 14 - 17th of September and let your business grow!

Step by Step to Mobile Campaign at Trafficshop
In 2018, 52.2% of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones which totally explains the growth of mobile traffic at Trafficshop up to 60% of the total volume. In order to be able to handle mobile media buying at Trafficshop in a right way we would like to explain you the campaign building in details.
• First log in to your account as Advertiser
• Then you go to Campaigns section and choose 'Create New'
• Select campaign type: Mobile pop under or Mobile skimmed